Thursday, December 4, 2008

GIS Mapping Nassau County

I am currently heavily involved with amending the Nassau County Zoning Map. This means going through zoning files for the past 10+ years and repairing the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Boundaries based on legal descriptions. It has been quite an undertaking and so far has consumed about 6 months of work with still more to do. Software being used is ESRI Arc Map editor.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sonic Restaurants

While Planning Director for Taylor and White, Inc., I oversaw the land entitlement and project management for the installation of several Sonic Restaurants in North Florida including Jacksonville, Yulee, Amelia Island, Green Cove, and Perry. Issues with placement involved master planning (leaving space for future development), signage restrictions, utility access, zoning exceptions, and one rezoning. All restaurants that were not pulled by client were successfully permitted through land entitlement processes.

Historic Adaptive Re-Use

Last year I finished the last of three houses that were altered from duplexes to single family homes. I owned and managed construction project involving renovation and adaptive re-use of three historic structures by using Enterprise Zone incentives and nearly $1M commercial line of credit. I Supervised the construction progress (with much on-site help from my father) and reviewed and submitted draw requests. Project Management efforts included creating timeline, selection of contractors, designers, and negotiating acquisition of multiple parcels and buildings. This was also a National Park Service (NPS) approved project using Federal Tax Credits. Project completed in April of 2007, units sold and/or leased and final construction approved by NPS.

For a photo journal go to

Comp Plan and Zoning Change

I recently finished the final phase of a Comprehensive Plan and Planned Unit Development (PUD) for a roughly four acre piece of property located near San Jose and I-95. This change was started in mid 2007 (the lengthy time frame was partially due to the city submitting to the State of Florida as a small-scale amendment when in fact it was a large-scale). The change was from residential to office/commercial. This is a contentious area but I held small meetings with some of the most vocal concerned citizens which resulted in a some changes to the application which did not affect my clients' interest. As Susskind says, finding a mutual beneficial common ground is a foundation of conflict resolution. There was no opposition voiced at any publicly noticed meetings regarding this application. Detail on Ordinances Below:

ORD Adopt Small-Scale Amend to FLUM Series - Appl# 2007C-018 - 2959 Scott Mill Ln & 2988 Plummer Cove Rd (1.88 Acres) - LDR to RPI - Carroll Mickler, et al. (Dist 6-Webb) (Riley) (LUZ)(Ex Parte Communications - Webb) (PC & PD Apv) (Rezoning 2008-266) LUZ PH 5/20/08 Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3184, F.S. & Chapt 650, Pt 4, Ord Code - 5/13/08 & 5/27/08

ORD-Q Rezoning 2959 Scott Mill Ln & 2988 Plummers Cove Rd (1.88 Acres) - RLD-D to PUD (Plummers Cove Office Pk) - Carroll Mickler, et al. (Dist 6-Webb) (Riley) (LUZ)(Ex Parte Communications - Webb) (PC & PD Amd/Apv) (Small Scale 2008-265) LUZ PH 5/20/08 Public Hearing Pursuant to Chapt 166, F.S. & CR 3.601 - 5/13/08 & 5/27/08

ORD Adopt Semi-Annual Amend to FLUM Series - Appl# 2007C-018 - 2959 Scott Mill Rd & 2988 Plummer cove Rd(1.68 Acres) - LDR to RPI - Carol Mickler & Jamshid Ianlou. (Dist 6-Webb) (Riley) (LUZ) (PC & PD Apv) LUZ PH - 10/7/08 Public Hearing Pursuant to Sec 163.3184 F.S. & Chapt 650, Pt 4 Ord Code - 9/23/08 & 10/14/08